Next: About this document ... Up: Proposed Level 4 Design Previous: 71 Preferences: by Student Contents
- Anderson
- Skidding of motor vehicle on bitumen vs. dirt*
- 39
- Ashman
- Experimental investigation of Radiant Porous Burner
- 9
- Beard
- Microwave Weed Controller*
- 37
- Vine Maintenance Work Platform*
- 36
- Bethune
- Formula SAE
- 25
- Blazewicz
- Flow over towed underwater sonar arrays*
- 41
- Mobile robot development
- 18
- Underwater robot project
- 19
- Brown
- Investigating the effect of water and corrosive substances on fatigue life
- 16
- Investigation of hydrogen assisted cold cracking in steels
- 22
- Bull
- Flow over towed underwater sonar arrays*
- 41
- Camilleri
- Assessment of building performance*
- 8
- Cazzolato
- Active Mirror Control*
- 1
- Robotic Pool Player
- 2
- Chahade
- Design, analysis and construction of a synthetic hip joint
- 28
- Design, analysis and construction of a synthetic skull / neck joint
- 27
- Design, analysis and construction of a synthetic spinal segment
- 26
- Craig
- Design of a laboratory-scale solar furnace for lime production
- 7
- World Solar Challenge Car Design
- 38
- Dally
- Comparison of indices of indoor air quality for underfloor- and overhead-air distribution systems using computational fluid dynamics
- 11
- Design and Build of Spray Nozzle for use in Flameless Oxidation Burner
- 12
- Design of a New Innovative Coil
- 10
- Experimental investigation of Radiant Porous Burner
- 9
- The design and construction of a self sustaining radial flow gas turbine
- 42
- Ertugrul
- Investigation of an Electrically Powered Aircraft
- 15
- Hall
- Skidding of motor vehicle on bitumen vs. dirt*
- 39
- Hansen
- Design of a monster sound source
- 32
- Exhaust stack directivity
- 31
- Plenum Chamber Attenuation
- 33
- Hill
- Validation of Physical and Mathematical Modelling Criteria for Advanced Gyro-Therm Burners*
- 40
- Kelso
- Eel-Like Bio-Mimetic Propulsion Device
- 4
- Hot-Air Balloon Burner
- 5
- Soap-Film Tunnel
- 3
- Wind Tunnel Fight Simulator
- 6
- Kestell
- Design, analysis and construction of a synthetic hip joint
- 28
- Design, analysis and construction of a synthetic skull / neck joint
- 27
- Design, analysis and construction of a synthetic spinal segment
- 26
- Formula SAE
- 25
- Kollias
- Payload Design and Build for a Zuni Rocket
- 34
- Lanspeary
- Hot-Air Balloon Burner
- 5
- Leclercq
- Design of a monster sound source
- 32
- Linton
- Investigation of hydrogen assisted cold cracking in steels
- 22
- Stress analysis of aircraft wings repaired using friction welding
- 23
- The influence of third phases on the performance of super duplex stainless steel welds
- 24
- Lu
- Automatic Assembly of MDO Lourve Blades*
- 21
- Internal Mirror Memory*
- 30
- Micro-mouse Development 1
- 17
- Mobile robot development
- 18
- Multi-robot collaboration
- 20
- Underwater robot project
- 19
- Luxton
- Comparison of indices of indoor air quality for underfloor- and overhead-air distribution systems using computational fluid dynamics
- 11
- Design of a New Innovative Coil
- 10
- Martin
- Mechanical Handling of Beer Kegs into a Cellar*
- 35
- Microwave Weed Controller*
- 37
- Vine Maintenance Work Platform*
- 36
- Nathan
- Assessment of building performance*
- 8
- Design and Build of Spray Nozzle for use in Flameless Oxidation Burner
- 12
- Design of a laboratory-scale solar furnace for lime production
- 7
- Hot-Air Balloon Burner
- 5
- The design and construction of a self sustaining radial flow gas turbine
- 42
- Validation of Physical and Mathematical Modelling Criteria for Advanced Gyro-Therm Burners*
- 40
- World Solar Challenge Car Design
- 38
- Schneider
- Aerodynamic Modification of Wingtips on the RAAF P3 Orion Aircraft
- 13
- Investigation of an Electrically Powered Aircraft
- 15
- Payload Design and Build for a Zuni Rocket
- 34
- Stress analysis of aircraft wings repaired using friction welding
- 23
- Surveillance Camera Platform for a Piper Seneca II Aircraft
- 14
- Secker
- Aerodynamic Modification of Wingtips on the RAAF P3 Orion Aircraft
- 13
- Smith
- Comparison of indices of indoor air quality for underfloor- and overhead-air distribution systems using computational fluid dynamics
- 11
- Zander
- Active Mirror Control*
- 1
- Development of optimized structural member
- 29
- Skidding of motor vehicle on bitumen vs. dirt*
- 39
- Zockel
- Mechanical Handling of Beer Kegs into a Cellar*
- 35
Ben Cazzolato