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35 Mechanical Handling of Beer Kegs into a Cellar*
- Supervisors:
- Byron Martin and Dr. Fred Zockel
- Moderator:
- Colin Hansen
- Number of Students:
- Andrew Fisher and Mark Holt
- Description:
- Coopers Brewery delivers up to 200 kegs per day in Adelaide. Each keg weighs 65 kg and is currently man-handled on the back of the delivery truck for manual unloading, and then delivered to the cellar by either rolling or with a sack truck. The most common method for getting the kegs into and out of the cellar is with an inclined chute where the kegs are slid down (or pushed up) the chute with manual assistance from the delivery driver &/or the cellar attendant. The current methods of delivery and return have resulted in occupational work injuries to both the delivery and cellar personal. The primary focus of this project is to develop methods for moving the full kegs into and the ``empty'' kegs out of the cellar.
- Industrial
- Sponsor: Coopers Brewing Limited

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Ben Cazzolato