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RTC167-Target is a MATLAB/Simulink block-set for real-time control on Infineon C167 microcontrollers. Using MathWorks Real-Time Workshop a Simulink block diagram can be built directly into a C167 target application without any low-level coding of the microcontroller. Once running, the target can be controlled from an associated host (PC). Host-target communication is based on a standard RS-232 serial link using a simple null-modem connection. Monitoring of live data as well as the on-the-fly download of process data are both provided through Simulinks External Mode communication interface. A useful extension of this interface has been devised to offer a number of user data channels through which a user can send and receive customised user data.
FG4 Vision Tools is a small MATLAB toolbox for the acquisition of live images from a Phytec Framegrabber 4 video-capture card. Captured images can subsequently be processed using a variety of image processing algorithms of the Color Machine Vision project CMVision (Carnegie Mellon University, CORAL Group). Both CMEX drivers as well as S-Functions are provided, making the toolbox a convenient interface for applications which require access to high-level visual information, e.g. the control of mobile robots and other machine vision based systems.
TIS Vision Tools is a small MATLAB toolbox for the acquisition of live images from The Imaging Source FireWire cameras (e.g. DFK 31F03). Captured images can subsequently be processed using a variety of image processing algorithms of the Color Machine Vision project CMVision (Carnegie Mellon University, CORAL Group). Both CMEX drivers as well as S-Functions are provided, making the toolbox a convenient interface for applications which require access to high-level visual information, e.g. the control of mobile robots and other machine vision based systems. The user manual of this toolbox can be found here. Additional information about defining colour specification files is available here.
This section includes a collection of code examples for the Wytec Dragon12 development board (uC: MC9S12DP256B/C).