Past Exams
Last updated 17 June 2003
Most past exams can now be found on MyUni, but some cannot. We aim to make those available here until such time as they can be relocated to MyUni.
All files are in PDF format.
Please note that the content of any course may have changed significantly since these past exam papers were written. No guarantees are made as to the relevance of these exams in relation to their respective courses as they are currently taught. Use them at your own risk.
This page will no longer be updated, and no further exam requests will be accepted. If you want access to past exams, then ask your lecturers to put them on MyUni.
- Advanced Topics In Fluid Mechanics
- Aerospace Engineering
- Automatic Control I
- Computer Programming IM
- Design For Manufacture
- Dynamics
- Engineering & the Environment
- Fluid Mechanics 2
- Heat Transfer and Power Transmission
- Heat Transfer
- Machine Dynamics
- Manufacturing Engineering I (Processes)
- Manufacturing Engineering II
- Material Selection & Failure Analysis
- Mechatronics IM
- Professional Engineering Practice
- Robotics M
- Solid Mechanics
- Stress Analysis & Design
- Structural Analysis & Design
- Topics In Welded Structures
Undergraduates > Past Exams