- BEng(Mech) 1st Honours
- BSci (Physics and Theoretical Physics)
- Currently undertaking a PhD in Hydrogen assisted cold cracking, residual stress investigation using neutron diffraction.
Research: Past research Preliminary research towards the development of a computer simulation to predict the effects of hypoxia on the success of radiation treatment of cancers Current Research Hydrogen assisted cold cracking, residual stress investigation using neutron diffraction.
- Faculty of Engineering Computer and Mathematical Sciences divisional scholarship (2004-2007)
- Six Week Research Scholarship with department of Medical Physics (2003)
- Graduate member of Engineers, Australia.
- AIAA - American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics
- NSSA - National Space Society of Aust
- ASME - American Society of Mechanical Engineers
Contact Details: Email:
Phone: (08) 8303 3152